How to submit an abstract?
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract to the 4th European Hail Workshop.
Please note: The abstract system is closed.
General remarks
- The abstract is the basis for the Scientific Steering Committee to accept a submission and to decide about presentation type.
- Authors will choose between a poster or oral presentation. There is no guarantee that an oral presentation can be realized.
- Abstracts (in English) should be short (200–300 words), clear, and concise.
- By submitting an abstract, the authors commit to present at the workshop.
- By submitting an abstract, the authors certify that:
- The co-authors are in agreement with the submission of the abstract.
- They have permission to reproduce material published or copyrighted elsewhere.
- They agree to the following licence and copyright agreement:
- The copyright for the abstract lies with the authors.
- The authors grant third parties the right to use the abstract on condition it is cited.
- The abstract is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Technical guidelines
The abstract submission tool is available here.
- Register for the abstract management system of the KIT and log in (Note: Language selection (English/German) only possible on the login page).
- Click 'Select' to start the submission process.
- Click 'Add Proposal'.
- Add title, select session (topic) and preferred type of presentation (no guarantee).
- Add text (see General remarks)
- Save & continue
- Add contributors (author & co-authors, if applicable; do not forget to add yourself):
Choose 'Your Account' and select 'Add New Contributor' for other contributors. Select a role for each Contributor (Author, Co-Author, Presenter).- Enter the contributor's email (You can enter the rest of the information before the person is added to the submission. All fields are required.)
- Supplement of personal data
Save & continue
Final control: Save & submit